Monday, February 11, 2013


Welcome to my blog! I absolutely love to cook, but as an elementary school teacher just starting out, quick, cheap, and easy is pretty much the name of the game! Sometimes I like to get fancy, on weekends if I have time. Most of my recipes are weeknight, easy stuff. Since I'm cooking for me and my sister, most of the recipes I make are for the two of us with leftovers to bring for lunch.

I'd love if this blog could be a tool for other amateur cooks like me. I google recipes so you don't have to! I usually meal plan for most nights of the week, so if you want to you can sort of follow along. I'll post later about what I make sure to always keep around, and each post I'll write about what stuff I had to grocery shop for. I constantly make modifications to recipes I find, based on what I actually have in my kitchen, and what seems like it will save me a little time.

I love to take photos of the food I make, especially when it looks pretty or colorful or especially delicious. I'm hoping to include lots of photos whenever possible. All my plates and bowls are pretty much the same though. Don't judge.

I'll finish this off with a photo of my favorite brussels sprouts. Parmesan cheese makes everything taste good.

1 comment:

  1. Becca, I love this blog! Your pics are gorgeous, your writing is delightful, informative with a dash of humor, and your ingredients inspiring. You may just get your stepmom to spend more time in the kitchen with these lovely recipes. If Jamie learns to love a new veggie as a result, it will be worth it.

